Five Day Yellowstone Itinerary

As someone who has lived in Yellowstone for several years I have been able to do and see a lot of the park, however, there is still so much more that I have not yet experienced. Due to this it is my opinion in order to really see what this park has to offer is to spend 3 to 5 days exploring. Before getting to the itinerary I wanted to emphasize a few points about this amazing park:

  • This park is 2.2 million acres, which means a lot of your time here will be driving to locations

  • I have specified the route to drive as some locations you are more likely to see wildlife

  • Wildlife is always possible but never guaranteed.

  • If you are lucky to see any animals make sure to stay 100 yards from bears/wolves and 25 yards from all other wildlife. Bison may seem very docile but they cause more injuries to people than bears every year.

  • Do NOT feed the wildlife, even the ravens and chipmunks. The saying in Yellowstone is “a fed animal is a dead animal”.

  • Bring bear spray on all hikes and learn how to use it before.

  • Stay on trails and boardwalks in thermal areas as they are extremely dangerous. Do NOT touch thermal features for your safety and to preserve the fragile ecosystems. The oils in our skin alone can damage the features